Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Rudy Giuliani Has Lost His Damn Mind!

$9.11 for Rudy. Nice Rudy, very freakin nice.

--A spokeswoman for Rudy Giuliani says it is unfortunate that a supporter throwing a party that aims to raise $9.11 per person for the Republican's presidential campaign is asking for that amount.--

9/11 belongs to EVERYONE dude, not just you...and you are trying to cash in on it? It is disgusting when candidates are a part of this brand of fundraising tactics and quickly use the, "I didn't wasn't me."

Your buddy is not so quick to apologize - "I'm just providing support for him. He's an old friend of mine," Sofaer said of Giuliani.

No wonder your kids do not support have lost your damn mind.

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